Kiran Ranganath

AI for Science
SambaNova Systems

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Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Riverside, CA 92507, USA, (September 2016 - August 2022)
Adviser: Professor Daniel Wong

Research and Other Interests

My research interest is broadly in building efficient systems for ML and high-performance computing.

Courses at UCR

- Advanced Computer Architectures (CS 203 with Prof. Daniel Wong)
- GPU Architecture and Parallel Programming (CS/EE 217 with Prof. Daniel Wong)
- High Performance Computing (CS 211 with Prof. Zizhong Chen)
- Advanced Operating Systems (CS 202 with Prof. Nael Abu-Ghazaleh)
- Computer Security (CS 255 with Prof. Zhiyun Qian)
- Microarchitecture (EE 260 with Prof. Daniel Wong)
- Advanced Computer Networks (CS 204 with Prof. Jiasi Chen)
- Multiprocessor Architecture (CS 213 with Prof. Laxmi N. Bhuyan)
- Network Routing (CS 240 with Prof. Michalis Faloutsos)

Contact Information

WCH 459, UC Riverside
900 University Avenue, Riverside, CA 92521
